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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Flip flop refashion

I am in the process of making the girls Easter skirts. It's not going so well. For some reason, me and sewing do not understand each other. :) Maybe one day we will be able to communicate better. Problem is, I see all of these super cute things to sew and I think I am better at sewing than I really am. :) I just need to learn to be patient and start by practicing the small things first and then move my way up to the harder things.

So because I was frustrated at sewing and I needed to keep my brain from thinking too hard about the skirts, I decided that it would be really cute  to make the girls matching flip flops to go with their skirts. So I did. :)

Here is how Audrey's turned out. I don't have flip flops for Gracey yet, but I will get some and they will look the same. If I ever get these skirts done, I will post pictures of the girls with their skirt and flip flops.

Here's a before and after shot. Doesn't it look so much cuter? Audrey will be so happy to wake up to this! I can already predict her reaction and it's going to be great! I bought these flip flops last week and look how worn out they already are. She definitely loves her flip flops!

Here is what they look like all finished:

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spotlight of the week- Chrissy

Chrissy was the lucky winner for the spotlight of the week last week. There are so many things I can say about Chrissy. So here we go:

*Chrissy is incredibly incredibly smart! Seriously!
*Chrissy is soooooooo creative!!!
*Chrissy has a knack for making people feel better!!
*Chrissy is a confident person! I love that about her
*Chrissy is so kind
*Chrissy is so thoughtful
*Chrissy has such a strong testimony of the gospel. She served a mission in Florida and changed so many people's lives!
*Chrissy is always thinking about others and is always interested in others lives. She really cares!
*Chrissy is a great listener
*Chrissy has a great style.
*She is the best Mom!
*She always tries to find a way to make things positive.
*She is very understanding
*Chrissy is BEAUTIFUL!!! Really!
*Chrissy has a lot of energy and I love it!!!
*She can always help you with whatever problems you have. She is a great person to talk to when you need help with anything
*She is really funny!
*I love her motivation to learn anything!
*She always wants the best for others. She really does.
*She always has great ideas for anything!
*I can really confide in Chrissy.

That's just a few of them! lol!! Thanks for being who you are Chrissy! You have been such a great example and friend and sister to me! Thanks for always loving my girls too! Even if they are being monsters, you still manage to love them. I love that you get just as excited about the funny things that they do as I do. It really makes me so happy! We love you!!!!

Audrey and Lisa

Spotlight of the week- Gene

My Brother-in-law, Gene was the next spotlight of the week. I have known Gene since I was about 17 I think it was. That is when he met my sister Jamie. We are so grateful Gene became part of our family. I really love it when Gene is at our family parties. I really do. I was just saying to my family today how grateful I am for all of them, especially the brothers-in-law and sister-in-law. They all really bring so much to our families.

Just like my other brothers-in-law, Gene is a really smart guy. I especially love Gene's testimony of the gospel. I love that he is so strong in the church. I really do. There have been some things that have happened in our life recently and without Gene's faith, I don't think we would have been able to experience those things.

Thanks Gene for being who you are and for always being a great example to me! I know I can be kind of weird sometimes, but thanks for putting up with me! haha! We love you!

Spotlight catch up!

Okay, so first of the last three spotlights was my brother Mike. I really love my brother Mike! When I was little, maybe not so much! Haha! Just kidding. I only say that because Mike was the meanest to me out of all of my brothers. Seriously, he woke up one day (and I specifically remember this by the way) and was just so grumpy towards me and was annoyed at everything I did. Thank goodness that phase didn't last forever! haha! Since we have grown up, Mike really has stood up for me. He would not take it if somebody said bad things about or to me. He is always so happy to see me and the rest of our family. It makes me feel kind of special. :)

Mike really is such a great guy! He is such a great daddy, and husband to Melissa. He has taken full responsibility to take care of his family and would do anything for them. He really is so nice too. Anybody that meets him or knows him, knows that this is true!

I have seen a huge change in Mike since he met his wife Melissa and since they had their little boy. He has changed for the best! He was still a great guy before, but is even better now!!!

Love you Mike!!

Kid craft- Easter topiaries

So I saw this idea to make an Easter topiary. I decided it would be fun for the girls to make one too. I just bought mini pots at the dollar store (3 for $1.) and some sytrofoam balls at Walmart and some Jelly beans. The girls decided to take a different approach with them, but that's okay. I was okay with letting them doing it the way they wanted to do it. K, so mine isn't supposed to have the topiary ball at the bottom but I forgot to get some foam stuff to be able to keep the topiaries from falling and this was the best way I could come up with.

Anyways, the girls had fun making these and so did I. I think it would have looked cuter with more pastel colored jelly beans. Oh well!